Thursday, January 24, 2019

Treating endometriosis through laparoscopic surgery

What is endometriosis?
The Endometriumis a tissue lining the inside of your uterus. When this tissue grows outside the uterus instead of being inside, the condition is called endometriosis. This can cause severe pain, so bad that even getting up from bed can be painful. It can also cause severe pain while urinating. Heavy flow during periods and pain during sex are other symptoms of endometriosis. It can even cause infertility in some women.
While medicines are useful in treating endometriosis, in advanced cases surgery may be the only option. Unlike years ago, when surgery was something scary, today thanks to advances in technology, patients can opt for keyhole surgery or laparoscopy. A women clinic near me can conduct laparoscopic surgery UK to treat endometriosis.
In laparoscopy, instead of the regular long incision made by surgeons, one or more small cuts the size of a keyhole are made. This makes the procedure easier, has very less risk and is comfortable for the patient. General anesthesia is usually used for the surgery so that the patient would not be conscious during the procedure. Once the small cut is made, the doctor performing the laparoscopic surgery UK would insert the laparoscope. It is a device comprising a tube with a video camera. It helps the surgeon to see the inside of the abdomen and see the uterus and other organs.
The surgical device is also inserted through a cut and the endometriosis scar and any lesion is removed easily. This is a simple procedure which generally will not take more than an hour. Of course, in complicated cases, it could take more time. After the surgery is completed, the patient is kept under observation for at least an hour, to monitor the recovery.
Most patients can go home after the surgery. But in some cases, an overnight stay may be required. Patients may possibly feel pain and discomfort for some days.
Laparoscopicsurgery is a safe way to treat endometriosis. 997 out of 1000 patients have no problems during this procedure. Those suffering from infertility as a result of endometriosis can increase their chances of conceiving.
Search for women clinic near me to find an experienced and qualified gynaecologist. He would be able to help solve your endometriosis problem by performing laparoscopic surgery. This is a safe and effective option of getting treated for this condition.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Get the best gynecology services in London to treat your fibroids

Women undergo a lot of mental and physical stress in their lives. Apart from mental tensions, their bodies undergo major hormonal changes as they hit their menopause. Every woman seeks a good gynecologist to treat her symptoms and problems. If you are seeking the best gynecology services in London for your fibroids, then Well Woman Clinic should be your first choice.
What are fibroids?
Fibroids are uterine myomas which emerge in the reproductive organs of a woman. Generally found in 50% cases of women in their prime reproductive ages, these fibroids pose great threat to getting pregnant, cause irregular periods, menstrual cramps and other such issues. These fibroids are often quite small and difficult to identify. It is best recommended to undergo a test for fibroids to detect them and to enable effective treatment. If you are seeking a good fibroid clinic in Harrow, then Well Woman Clinic is the most contemporary one offering modern treatments and diagnosis.
How are fibroids formed?
Fibroids are formed when fibrous connective tissue and smooth muscle cells together form a compact tumor in the uterus. These often lead to heavy or prolonged periods, pelvic pain and frequent urination. Women might also experience back pain and pain during intercourse if there is a presence of fibroids in their uterus. It is best to get the best gynecology services in London and not to prolong these symptoms as delay could lead to major problems.
How are fibroids diagnosed?
A good clinic like the fibroid clinic in Harrow will use the following practices to diagnose your fibroids:
•    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
•    Ultrasound
•    Hysterosalpingography
•    Abdominal and pelvic examination
•    Serum Ferritin
•    Pelvic Ultrasound Scan
•    Full Blood Count
All these above mentioned tests are suggested by doctors in Well Woman Clinic.
What happens if you do not get your fibroids treated?
If you leave your fibroids untreated, they may increase in size and number and eventually take over your uterus. The result will be heavier periods, heavier pain accompanied by severe cramps. If left untreated, this could get cancerous too. Sometimes, these fibroids go away on their own, but if they do not and are getting bigger in size, they need to be treated. Doctors often, first give medicines to regulate your menstrual cycle and shrink the fibroids.
So do not delay and seek consultation in Well Woman Clinic now!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Important tips to choose the right gynaecologist

Women’s health is something that you cannot ignore. Many women don’t really understand the importance of personal hygiene problems because they feel shy in approaching a gynaecologist. While it is not recommended, the issues of privacy and unprofessional approach to problems may be certain reasons that stop women from fixing an appointment.
When you decide to finally visit a professional for sexual health check in London, it is important to consider a few pointers. Here are a couple of tips to choose the right gynaecologist.
Professional expertise
It is important to make sure that the gynaecologist has a professional expertise that has given him understanding of various feminine problems to deal with. Professional experience helps in finalizing the right person for the given problem, whether it is heavy periods or IUD fitting in London.
Gender of gynaecologist
Women often tend of prefer female gynaecologists because they feel comfortable in explaining their problems. However, there are a lot of men in this profession who have a genuine expertise in dealing with women health issues.
You should always choose experience of the gynaecologist or any doctor in that case because a female genae with less experience may not be able to help you out in a way the male gyane would.
Location of the gynaecologist
This factor matter a lot when it comes to finalizing a gynaecologist. Location of the gynaecologist should always be closer to your place and you should be able to access that clinic easily even when you are in great pain.
This is the reason why well women clinic offers world class sexual health check in London in many important locations.
Contact experts at Well Women for IUD fitting in London
Past testimonials

Before selecting a gynaecologist, you should always ask around and consult with your friends and known ones. A positive word of mouth helps you in making the decision quickly and efficiently. A gyane with more satisfied customers will always thrive to perform better.
Privacy and personalized care
Many health centres don’t value privacy of the patient. The test report keeps jumping in the hands of one doctor to another. An expert clinic like Well Women London offers personalized healthcare and makes sure that patient information stays in the consulting doctor’s possession only.
Well Women Clinic is one of the most experienced women’s health centres in London. For more details, fix an appointment today.

How fibroids and stress are related

Uterine Fibroid awareness is not just about the body health but there are other aspects to this problem that many don’t really take seriously. It is important to let women to feel more positive about their bodies and know about it. Specialists, who conduct test for fibroids, suggest them to feel less stressed and isolated. Suffering due to fibroid issues can be a daunting experience. There are a lot of fibroid symptoms like heavy menstrual bleeding, painful sex, and weight gain due to which women fall into a lot of stress.
Connection between fibroids and stress
When there are health issues which are so personal that takes a lot of motivation and thinking before discussing about it, the stress and mental tension is likely to occur. Most of the symptoms that are associated with fibroids are extremely painful. These issues stop the one who is facing them from having an active social or professional life. This slowly results in emotional pain and ruining a lot of things in the long run.
Other than pain, fibroids also result in enlarging uterus. This takes away their mobility and most of the time is spent resting and avoiding social life. Life becomes more difficult and women stop taking initiatives in relationships or career because they don’t feel like moving from the place where they feel slightly comfortable.
Click here to learn more about expert coil fitting in London
Tips to reduce stress while suffering with Fibroid issues

Before looking out for test for Fibroids, it is important to follow a few tips that will help in reducing stress
•    Find Support: It is important to find support from people who are nearby and you can feel confident connecting with. These people can be from family, friends, counsellors, or support groups. Without someone to provide emotional assistance and de-escalate isolation, getting over from Fibroid pains is impossible.
•    Try to relax: Certain techniques like meditation, breathing exercises, and loosening muscle tension prove really effective. These are a few of the easy ways to bring stress down on a daily basis.
•    Try to change certain routines: While facing fibroid pains, one must bring certain changes to the personal life. You should start exercising and having healthy balanced meals. These techniques are great for releasing pent up muscles, improving sleep, and metabolizing excessive stress hormones.
For more details on female health, fibroid issues, and coil fitting in London, fix an appointment with Well Women Clinic today.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Three things to expect while getting coil fitting in London

With regards to female contraception, there very few arrangements or pills that ensures a long haul arrangement. Searching for a hormone free, not causing any symptoms answer for this issue is somewhat extreme. A large portion of the pills and different contraceptives regularly cause mind-set swings, skin issues and shortcoming. As an answer, one can just go for a session of coil fitting in London and have a guaranteed infant free life.
An accomplished sexual wellbeing clinic like Well women clinic London will enable you to discover an answer and the best copper IUD that will cause no reactions over the long haul.
Best answer for all women's prophylactic needs
With a small t-molded copper-bound plastic embedded into the belly at a sexual wellbeing clinic, you can be rest guaranteed that there will be 99% odds of avoiding pregnancy. As an additional favorable position, you ought not stress over its situation or not working once it is set. Coil fitting ensures odds of very nearly zero pregnancy upto 5 years.
It begins working in a flash
A copper coil begins demonstrating results in minutes. In contrast to the pills, that require a specific time hole of no less than 72 hours to begin demonstrating the impact, the coil begins discharging little measures of copper into the belly in minutes. This makes a negative effect zone for sperms, henceforth diminishing the odds of pregnancy.
Prevents the eggs from getting treated
In specific cases, the sperm regularly clears a path and converges with the egg. In this situation, the copper follows keep the egg from preparing.
Well women clinic London gives the best answer for coil fitting in London. As one of the main name in female sexual wellbeing clinics, they give a scope of answers for overwhelming period treatment, Incontinence and menopause related issues. For more subtleties, contact our group of specialists.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Important mistakes to avoid when you start family planning

Family planning is not an easy task. It takes a lot of consultation and expert advice before the final process of conceiving a child even begins. The process is complex, can cause medical side effects and a lot of safety is needed to be kept.
In the beginning stage of family planning, the couple is needed to consult with clinics conducting fertility tests in London. The experts here help you in many ways. They conduct a number of tests in order to make sure that the couple would be able to conceive a baby easily. Their tests also include analysis about the right time to deliver a healthy baby.
With the help of an experienced London Gynaecologist, you can rest assured that your pregnancy related queries will be resolved.
Some of the mistakes that often happen when one starts family planning are listed below –
Avoid using calendar methods
Many women prefer calendar methods when they start conceiving. This is also the first-line treatment for couples having trouble conceiving. Many experts conducting fertility tests in London prefer suggesting it based on the statistical average day of ovulation.
But the reality is that rarely there are women who ovulate exactly on day 14. There are chances that one may ovulate as early as day 8, late as day 22, or even later. Get proper consultation from female health clinic and learn more about your ovulation cycle.
Baby planning right after removal of birth control devices
Women usually prefer birth control devices as it keeps them away from allergies caused by condoms. It is easy to get IUD fitting in London and continue sexual life without worries of getting pregnant.
The problem is that women believe that they get to start attempts at pregnancy right after removal of IUD devices. One must keep a certain time gap after the coil is removed. This frees the uterus from any kind of side effects in order to get an absolute surety at pregnancy.
Click here to find the best solutions on IUD fitting in London
As one of the top London Gynaecologist, getting the best solutions on birth control and pregnancy, Well Women Clinic has gained a reputation for personalized care. Their team of experts believe in keeping privacy of the visiting patients safe. For more details, contact the team of experts present for your help at their various branches in London.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Four tips for laparoscopy surgery recovery

A Laparoscopic surgery is a process where the endometrial implants are removed using excision. Many expert endometriosis surgeons consider it to be the best way to treat endometriosis.  Many top rated gynaecologists and gyane clinics provide diagnostic laparoscopy in London.
While laparoscopic surgery is one of the least invasive types of surgeries, the process is not easy and the post effects don’t go well on the body.  Healing from the surgery takes time. After laparoscopy surgery in UK, the patients require a lot of effort to heal completely.
Find someone to help you out post surgery
Having a helping hand post your surgery is very important. This should be done during the first week of surgery so that all the processes are taken care of without you moving a lot. Your helping hand can be your spouse, friend, family member, or you can hire a nurse. Doesn’t matter if the gynaecologist in Harrow suggests that the process is easy or not, the patient will need help for regular things in life.
Use a mild stool softener
Many women who have just had endometriosis on their bowels and rectum removed have a fear of constipation and problem with stool.  As a solution, many experts on diagnostic laparoscopy in London advice narcotic pain medications. This is done so in order to relieve the patient from pain. Post surgery can also cause side effects like constipation. This is why women use stool softener. This relives them of pain that may occur during their toilet routines.
Follow light diet during the initial days of surgery
Post surgery, many important processes of the body take time to adjust. Women are not advised to have fibre rich diet as it can cause constipation. Apart from this, light diet such as soup, liquid rich meals and broths are more recommended for women. Junk food and oily meals can cause vomits and nausea as the body doesn’t accepts the constituents of the meal.
Click here to connect with the best Gynaecologist in Harrow
Keep your body movement regular

It is important to keep body movement regular after 24 hours of laparoscopic surgery in UK. Small walks for small jobs will let your body adjust to a new routine and slowly the pain will go down. It is painful and tiring but the sooner your body adjust to the tasks, the faster your recovery will be.
Well Women Clinic is an expert chain of female health institution. For more details, contact their team of experts.