An intrauterine device (IUD), also known as an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD), is a small T-shaped plastic device with copper banded around the transverse arms, which is inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy.
This device naturally prevents pregnancy without causing any side effects or damage to the hormonal cycle. It is one of the best contraceptive methods that make pregnancy preservation reversible.
Different types of IUDs have different advantages. A good IUD guarantees birth control for 3, 5 and 10 years depending on the type and brand you are using.
Here are some advantages of getting IUD fitting in London –
- Five years of IUD use guarantees a 98 to 99 percent success rate. This way birth control can be something that women can be assured about
- In most cases, it doesn’t cause any serious side effects
- IUD makes pregnancy reversible at any point of time
- IUD has different time periods during which it works. One can continue with an IUD for a maximum time period of 10 years
- It guarantees an immediate onset of action
- With an IUD you can rest assured that till not interfere with intercourse
- IUD is ideal for any women in any age range and other body types
- IUD fitting doesn’t require any professional or high profile expertise. You can search for local gynaecologist and get it done in minutes
- It is suitable for lactating women or the ones who have just given birth
- IUD doesn’t cause weight gain
Well Women Clinic London is the solution for your questions about women clinic near me. As experts in IUD fitting in London, you are rest assured about the best solution depending on your choices. For more details, connect with our medical experts today.