Thursday, September 20, 2018

Problems with irregular urination and possible remedies

Urination is a sign of healthy life. A woman on average urinates 6 to 8 times in a day. So when the cycle becomes longer, it is sign that one must fix an appointment for sexual health check in London. Female body is prone to diseases and a small infection can cause a problem that one may end up ignoring. Irregular urination is one of these issues. The experts who provide solutions for sexual health check in London will always recommend you to get opinions, followed by treatment if necessary.
Among the possible causes for irregular urine cycle, some of the most common ones are given below –
Drinking fluids in excess

This can be the most common answer to the problem of heavy urination. You may have taken a new fitness regime or you are spending more time in the sun that is keeping you dehydrated. At times, excess amount of caffeine or alcoholic beverages also lead to excess urination. This is happening because your body is adjusting to a new routine and is not always a sign of something serious.
Urinary tract infection or UTI
As one of the most common feminine issues, UTI causes a huge misbalance in urinary cycle. More than 60% of women in the world suffer with UTI once. UTIs are commonly caused by bacteria getting into the urinary tract from sexual intercourse. Another reason can be improper wiping while using the toilet. Proper sexual health check in London will provide you a solution and treatment for this problem.
Low Estrogens levels
Estrogen level can go down due to many reasons. With diagnosis from gynaecology services in London the valid reason can be found and a proper solution will be provided. Estrogen level can go down due genetics, hormone imbalances, eating disorders, chronic kidney disease, menopause, and excessive exercise.
Medication for thyroid or muscle relaxant may cause excess urination as these medications are designed to get rid of excess water in the body. This result in frequent bathroom breaks but this is not a sign of anything serious.
Well Women Clinic will help you out with any feminine hygiene issue that you are facing. With our multiple branches in London, you will find the best solutions from our team of experts. For more information, you can fix an appointment today to ensure proper diagnosis and check up.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

A guide to your first gynae visit

A gynaecologist is the only answer to every feminine problem that would ever occur. Women keep ignoring their issues only to see it develop into a bigger problem in the future. A quick search for gynaecologist near me will provide you addresses for the most reliable female health experts in your area.
While you can hit Google and search for women clinic near me in a matter of few seconds, it is still a huge daunting experience to make an appointment with a gynae. If this is the first appointment then the hesitation becomes even bigger.
Looking for gynaecologist near me with walk in facility? Click here.
Ideal time to book a gyane appointment

•    Often it is suggested that the proper time to visit a gyane is when the woman becomes sexually active. But this is not true. A lot of sexual health related vaccinations are needed before the female becomes sexually active.
•    When you reach this stage, make sure that you Google ‘gynaecologist near me’ and make an appointment with someone who has great reviews. Timely search of ‘gynaecologist near me with walk in facility will save you from issues like STIs.
•    A woman/girl, whether sexually active or not, should see a gynae. This doesn’t depend on her age. If she or her mother thinks something is wrong with her bodily functions, an appointment is a must. Most notable examples when the girl should meet a gynae expert are when there is an unusual discharge, abnormal periods, etc.
•    Just in case if there is an issue being felt with urine, the woman must visit a gynae. Problems like blood in urine, irregular urine cycle, burning sensation while peeing are some problems that may result in something bigger or serious. Timely search for women clinic near me will let you find the right solution for the issue you are facing.
Issues related to female health can come in many forms. The problem can be UTI or sign of cervical cancer. In either case, the gynaecologist will help you find a solution.
A good gyane will have a positive word of mouth in your circle. But apart from that, you’ll always find that an experienced gynaecologist will respect your privacy and provide you personalized assistance with every problem.
There are many specialized female health clinics that provide you an option to book an appointment. These clinics have a team of professionals who aim for the most expert service. One of the clinics that holds a name in this field is Well Women clinic London. They provide the most personal healthcare solutions to women irrespective of their age and personal background.