Thursday, January 24, 2019

Treating endometriosis through laparoscopic surgery

What is endometriosis?
The Endometriumis a tissue lining the inside of your uterus. When this tissue grows outside the uterus instead of being inside, the condition is called endometriosis. This can cause severe pain, so bad that even getting up from bed can be painful. It can also cause severe pain while urinating. Heavy flow during periods and pain during sex are other symptoms of endometriosis. It can even cause infertility in some women.
While medicines are useful in treating endometriosis, in advanced cases surgery may be the only option. Unlike years ago, when surgery was something scary, today thanks to advances in technology, patients can opt for keyhole surgery or laparoscopy. A women clinic near me can conduct laparoscopic surgery UK to treat endometriosis.
In laparoscopy, instead of the regular long incision made by surgeons, one or more small cuts the size of a keyhole are made. This makes the procedure easier, has very less risk and is comfortable for the patient. General anesthesia is usually used for the surgery so that the patient would not be conscious during the procedure. Once the small cut is made, the doctor performing the laparoscopic surgery UK would insert the laparoscope. It is a device comprising a tube with a video camera. It helps the surgeon to see the inside of the abdomen and see the uterus and other organs.
The surgical device is also inserted through a cut and the endometriosis scar and any lesion is removed easily. This is a simple procedure which generally will not take more than an hour. Of course, in complicated cases, it could take more time. After the surgery is completed, the patient is kept under observation for at least an hour, to monitor the recovery.
Most patients can go home after the surgery. But in some cases, an overnight stay may be required. Patients may possibly feel pain and discomfort for some days.
Laparoscopicsurgery is a safe way to treat endometriosis. 997 out of 1000 patients have no problems during this procedure. Those suffering from infertility as a result of endometriosis can increase their chances of conceiving.
Search for women clinic near me to find an experienced and qualified gynaecologist. He would be able to help solve your endometriosis problem by performing laparoscopic surgery. This is a safe and effective option of getting treated for this condition.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Get the best gynecology services in London to treat your fibroids

Women undergo a lot of mental and physical stress in their lives. Apart from mental tensions, their bodies undergo major hormonal changes as they hit their menopause. Every woman seeks a good gynecologist to treat her symptoms and problems. If you are seeking the best gynecology services in London for your fibroids, then Well Woman Clinic should be your first choice.
What are fibroids?
Fibroids are uterine myomas which emerge in the reproductive organs of a woman. Generally found in 50% cases of women in their prime reproductive ages, these fibroids pose great threat to getting pregnant, cause irregular periods, menstrual cramps and other such issues. These fibroids are often quite small and difficult to identify. It is best recommended to undergo a test for fibroids to detect them and to enable effective treatment. If you are seeking a good fibroid clinic in Harrow, then Well Woman Clinic is the most contemporary one offering modern treatments and diagnosis.
How are fibroids formed?
Fibroids are formed when fibrous connective tissue and smooth muscle cells together form a compact tumor in the uterus. These often lead to heavy or prolonged periods, pelvic pain and frequent urination. Women might also experience back pain and pain during intercourse if there is a presence of fibroids in their uterus. It is best to get the best gynecology services in London and not to prolong these symptoms as delay could lead to major problems.
How are fibroids diagnosed?
A good clinic like the fibroid clinic in Harrow will use the following practices to diagnose your fibroids:
•    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
•    Ultrasound
•    Hysterosalpingography
•    Abdominal and pelvic examination
•    Serum Ferritin
•    Pelvic Ultrasound Scan
•    Full Blood Count
All these above mentioned tests are suggested by doctors in Well Woman Clinic.
What happens if you do not get your fibroids treated?
If you leave your fibroids untreated, they may increase in size and number and eventually take over your uterus. The result will be heavier periods, heavier pain accompanied by severe cramps. If left untreated, this could get cancerous too. Sometimes, these fibroids go away on their own, but if they do not and are getting bigger in size, they need to be treated. Doctors often, first give medicines to regulate your menstrual cycle and shrink the fibroids.
So do not delay and seek consultation in Well Woman Clinic now!